Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Today I am posting links to all of the dishes I plan on making.... if I made any adjustments I noted them after the link

Roasted Boneless Skinless Turkey Boobs - I am not going to use quite that much parsley... instead I'll make an herb sprinkle with thyme, rosemary, sage and parsley and sprinkle it lightly over the turkey boobs. Also, I will be adding sprigs of thyme, rosemary and sage to the mirepoix. I will serve the mirepoix as an extra side dish.

Mashed Potatoes - No changes... Except I am going to triple the recipe since we are anticipating a shit ton of people

Stuffing Muffins - I will not use the canola oil to saute the veggies and such... instead I will spray the pan lightly with my handy olive oil spray and then do a light spray on top of the veggies and such. and I make my own bread cubes using this method and my fave low fat whole wheat bread: Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Cut bread slices into 1/2" cubes and place in two 13x9" baking pans. Toast bread cubes at 300 degrees for 45 minutes, or until toasted, stirring occasionally. Remove from oven and cool slightly. - I plan on making these the night before and then just reheating them in the oven while I toast the marshmallows on the sweet potato casserole.

Roasted Carrots and Parsnips - I will not toss them with the oil... instead (as usual) I will spray them lightly with my olive oil spray and then toss them with the herbs

Sweet Potato Casserole - I will substitute the apples for canned pineapple chunks (drained) and at the end of the baking I will put mini marshmallows (naturally fat free) on top and bake again until they are brown and crispy on top.

Fat-Free Pie Crust

Fat Free Pumpkin Pie Filling - I'll be using this filling but the above mentioned crust

I will also be using the above crust to make make my Brandy Cherry pie which is a secret recipe that I will only give you upon my deathbed... or maybe next week... 

I will likely also make a ton of my fat free snacks to tide people over while they sniff my glorious cooking. 

I am the Queen of having everything done at the same time. I pride myself on being able to maximize my time and cooking arrangements so that everything comes out of the oven, off of the stove and hits the table top all at the same time. Nothing is getting cold by the time everyone sits down. Don't ask me how I do it. I honestly have no idea. Its an instinct I think.

I try very hard to do all my baking the day before... Baked items can be easily warmed up while you set the table. Except for the pies. They are prepped the day before and put in the fridge. My pies all start baking as soon I sit down to eat... by the time everyone is done and has let dinner settle the pies are out of the oven and have cooled to an eating temperature. While the pies are cooling I am mulling the apple cider for the kiddies and the wine for the non-kiddies. And there is ALWAYS a pot of coffee ready and available.

The Best Boyfriend in the Whole World! is going to be shooting pictures while I do everything so that I can post the pics of my dishes... and if he's quick he'll get a shot of the buffet before everyone digs in.

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