Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Movin on....

Lets review...
May - Aunt Flo gets wonky
June - Aunt Flo disappears
July - Aunt Flow is still gone... or is she?!?

I shit you not... a few hours after I left my appointment with my "doctor" (just really can't call him a Doctor without giggling a little) Aunt Flo comes rushing back with the speed of a Japanese bullet train (that's 300 km/h or roughly 186 mph). And she brought her two friends; Crazy Bitch and Abs McCrampington. 

I started tracking my period a couple of years ago. I use my super fucking awesome iPhone and an app called Period Planner..... 

Here is what the month of July looked like:

Click for the bigger picture

Any day with a red circle indicates that I was bleeding... the red dots in the bottom right indicate the level of flow... days with a red circle but no red dots are days that I was spotting but not actually bleeding... 

Now I was totally prepared for a longer than normal period, after all I did miss two periods in a row, but then July Became August.

Here is the month of August....
Don't judge my choice in games!
You see that it stops on the 22nd... I didn't actually stop but if I tried to input any more days it crashed the app... so I made another appointment with Dr Thankyoucomeagain. My appointment was actually a few days earlier than the 22nd... He put me on progesterone. He said that my fat cells were disrupting my hormone flow and its was causing me to bleeding more heavily than normal... the progesterone should help. If after 5 days of the progesteron I was still bleeding he wanted me to come back....

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